Tuesday, October 20, 2015


#1 Be a friend to the person being bullied.

            Children can help someone who’s been bullied by simply being nice to them at another time. Being friendly can go a long way toward letting them know that they’re not alone.
• Spending time with the person being bullied at school. Simple gestures like talking to them, sitting with them at lunch, or inviting them to play sports or other games during physical education or recess can help a lot.
• Support each other by listening to the person being bullied, and letting them talk about the event.
• They can call the person being bullied at home to provide support, encourage them and give advice.
•Try sending a text message or talking to the person who was bullied at a later time. They can let that person know that what happened wasn’t cool, and that they’re there for them.
• Telling the person being bullied that they don’t like the bullying and asking them if he can do anything to help.
• Help the person being bullied talk to a trusted adult.

#2 Tell a trusted adult, like a family member, teacher or coach.

            An adult can help stop bullying by intervening while it’s in progress, preventing it in the first place or simply giving the personbeing bullied a shoulder to lean on.
• Tell a trusted adult in person or leave them a note.
• Go find, or ask a friend to find, a trusted adult as soon as possible. The adult could help stop it from continuing.
• Remind children who witness bullying not to get discouraged if they’ve already talked to an adult and it appears nothing has changed. They can ask a family member if they will help, and make sure the adult knows if and when the behavior is repeated over time.
• Try talking to as many adults as possible if there’s a problem— teachers, counselors, custodians, nurses, parents. The more adults involved, the better.

#3 Help the person being bullied get away from the situation.

            There are a few simple, safe ways children can help the person being bullied get away from the situation. However they do it, make sure children know not to put themselves in harm’s way.
• Create a distraction. Help to focus the attention on something else.
• Offer a way for the person being bullied to leave the scene by saying something like, “Teacher needs to see you right now,” or “Come on, we need you for our game.”
• Remind children to only intervene if it feels safe to do so, and to never use violence to help the person get away. Also children should never hesitate to seek immediate help from an adult if the bullying becomes violent.

#4 Set a good example. Do not bully others.

            If a child knows not to bully others, other students will follow their example. To help even more, children can actively participate in anti-bullying activities and projects.
• Take steps to ensure children don’t bully others and don’t encourage bullying behavior.
• Encourage them to look for opportunities to contribute to the anti-bullying culture at their school through school clubs and organizations.
• They can create anti-bullying posters, share stories or show presentations promoting respect for all.

#5 Don’t give bullying an audience.

            If your child witnesses someone bullying another, they shouldn’t encourage the behavior by giving it an audience. Instead of laughing or supporting, they can let those who bully know that their behavior isn’t entertaining.
• Oftentimes, those who bully are encouraged by the attention that they receive from bystanders. Children can help stop bullying by actively not supporting it.
• Remind them that when they see bullying, they can act disinterested or blatantly state that they don’t think bullying is entertaining or funny.
• Children can help by keeping their distance from the situation. If they don’t give it an audience , it may stop.
• If the bullying doesn’t stop, the bystander should follow other tips like telling a trusted adult.

Source by : stopbullying.gov

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